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네이버 전문자료
Carbon Quantum Dots and Their Derivative 3D Porous Carbon Frameworks for Sodium‐Ion Batteries
A new methodology for the synthesis of carbon quantum dots (CQDs) for large production is proposed. The as-obtained CQDs can be transf
3D bioprinting of heterogeneous aortic valve conduits with alginate/gelatin hydrogels.
Heart valve disease is a serious and growing public health problem for which prosthetic replacement is most commonly indicated. Curren
Efficient ambient-air-stable solar cells with 2D–3D heterostructured butylammonium-caesium-for
Perovskite solar cells are remarkably efficient; however, they are prone to degradation in water, oxygen and ultraviolet light. Cation
3D graphene-cobalt oxide electrode for high-performance supercapacitor and enzymeless glucose de
Cobalt, chemistry, Electric Capacitance, Electrochemistry, Electrodes, Glucose, analysis, Graphite, Nanotechnology, methods, Nanowir
Render for CNN: Viewpoint Estimation in Images Using CNNs Trained with Rendered 3D Model Views
Object viewpoint estimation from 2D images is an essential task in computer vision. However, two issues hinder its progress: scarcity
Capturing complex 3D tissue physiology in vitro
The emergence of tissue engineering raises new possibilities for the study of complex physiological and pathophysiological processes i
3D carbon based nanostructures for advanced supercapacitors
Supercapacitor, Power density, Nanotechnology, Nanostructure, Nanomaterials, Nanocomposite, Mechanical stability, Materials science,
View invariant human action recognition using histograms of 3D joints
In this paper, we present a novel approach for human action recognition with histograms of 3D joint locations (HOJ3D) as a compact rep
NiSe Nanowire Film Supported on Nickel Foam: An Efficient and Stable 3D Bifunctional Electrode f
Active and stable electrocatalysts made from earth-abundant elements are key to water splitting for hydrogen production through electr
Mobile 3D mapping for surveying earthwork projects using an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) system
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) systems as a data acquisition platform and as a measurement instrument are becoming attractive for many
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