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Aggregate Confusion: The Divergence of ESG Ratings
Econometrics, Divergence, Corporate sustainability, Corporate social responsibility, Corporate governance, Confusion, Business
ESG fund scores in UK SRI and conventional pension funds: Are the ESG concerns of the SRI niche
Highlights•Increasingly conventional pension funds are considering ESG factors.•ESG scores of conventional and SRI funds are influ
When the Japanese stock market meets COVID-19: Impact of ownership, China and US exposure, and E
We identify factors affecting the Japanese stock market during COVID-19 pandemic period. First, we focus on ownership structure. find
Impact of ESG factors on firm risk in Europe
A huge body of research has addressed the impact of corporate social performance (CSP) on corporate financial performance. However, pr
Do ESG scores effect bank risk taking and value? Evidence from European banks
Abstract We examine whether environmental, social and governance (ESG) scores of European banks impact on their risk‐taking behavior
Extending the benefits of ESG disclosure: The effect on the cost of debt financing
Abstract In recent years, greater attention has been paid to sustainability issues. Companies have received increasing pressure from s
The effect of countries’ ESG ratings on their sovereign borrowing costs
Highlights•Does it pay to be a country with a good ESG rating?•The empirical answer from a panel of 23 OECD countries is yes.•In
Gut and Metabolic Hormones Changes After Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) Vs. Laparoscopic S
IntroductionESG reduces gastric lumen similar to LSG and induces significant weight loss. However, the metabolic and physiological alt
Rating the Raters: Evaluating how ESG Rating Agencies Integrate Sustainability Principles
Sustainable development, Sustainability, Process management, Order (exchange), Financial market, Descriptive statistics, Corporate s
Endoscopic Sleeve Gastroplasty (ESG) Is a Reproducible and Effective Endoscopic Bariatric Therap
AbstractObjectiveEndoscopic sleeve gastroplasty (ESG), an incisionless endoscopic bariatric procedure, has shown impressive results in
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