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PointRCNN: 3D Object Proposal Generation and Detection From Point Cloud
In this paper, we propose PointRCNN for 3D object detection from raw point cloud. The whole framework is composed of two stages: stage
3D bioprinting of collagen to rebuild components of the human heart
If I only had a heart3D bioprinting is still a fairly new technique that has been limited in terms of resolution and by the materials
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing
Occupancy Networks: Learning 3D Reconstruction in Function Space
With the advent of deep neural networks, learning-based approaches for 3D reconstruction have gained popularity. However, unlike for i
3D bioactive composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering
AbstractBone is the second most commonly transplanted tissue worldwide, with over four million operations using bone grafts or bone su
Fundamentals and applications of 3D printing for novel materials
3D Printing, Additive manufacturing, Smart materials, Biomaterials, Composites
3D printing based on imaging data: review of medical applications.
PURPOSE Generation of graspable three-dimensional objects applied for surgical planning, prosthetics and related applications using 3D
Direct 3D Printing of Shear‐Thinning Hydrogels into Self‐Healing Hydrogels
Supramolecular hydrogels are used in the 3D printing of high-resolution, multi-material structures. The non-covalent bonds allow the e
I-TASSER server for protein 3D structure prediction
AbstractBackgroundPrediction of 3-dimensional protein structures from amino acid sequences represents one of the most important proble
VoxNet: A 3D Convolutional Neural Network for real-time object recognition
Robust object recognition is a crucial skill for robots operating autonomously in real world environments. Range sensors such as LiDAR
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